5th Years Work
Suave y Fuerte
Title - Suave y Fuerte
Instructor - Cody Miner and Patrick Geske
Location - Berlin
Year - 5B (2019)
My thesis started by looking at a single geometric form. The letter L but with an indentation on it. My focus was to explore a single form, and how it could be manipulated. Whether in altering its size, and/ or attributes it already had.
Beginning with physical models that I was able to manipulate only to an extent. Here the form has been recreated in the digital spaces. Leading to question how the shape could be used to create a building.
As the forms are redefined, the site sees a shift in scale with the building. The original shape has been manipulated to a great extent that it has become “suave” (soft), while the other building still has a rough texture.
The two structures, would house different programs that would help refine their characteristics.
Now that we have two different buildings on the site, we see the opposition of their characteristics. Even though the same form has been use to create both structures, connections may not be apparent right away.
The axon allows for a view of the court yard, for a more inviting place for visitors to gather and socialize.
The plans show the spaces and the locations of the exhibitions. The curved structure holds the ticket area and entrance. The layout of the exhibition area, shows the windows that allow light in to the space. In contrast the curved building retains all the offices and the research area.
Looking into the court yard that the two building create.
Showing how the building will blend with the urban structures.
Showing the back of the building, and the path that will connect to the city.
This project look into Chartres Cathedral and Neue Nationalgalarie. To abstract ideas that could be implemented into our design moving forward. Through series of different methods representing a design, we started with hands on approach and later moved on to computer base models.
Title - Free Flowing
Instructor - Gerard Smulevich
Year - 5A (2018)
Partner - Sabin Arslanain